5 Simple Tips to Manage And Run Cloud Based Laboratory Information System Effectively
Scale up laboratory operations effectively with these simple tips.
You made a smart business move by automating your laboratory. Then you made a smarter move by erasing the need for any kind of in-house hardware contraptions by implementing a Cloud based LIS. However, are you still wondering if there is more that can be done to run your laboratory effectively? The answer is a resounding Yes.
Here we share with you smart tips to manage your Cloud based Laboratory Information System (LIS) more effectively:
1. Get A Cloud-Based Service Desk In Place
So you have a website and your LIS is on Cloud. Are they connected? When most of your potential visitors show a behavioral pattern of visiting your website first, before heading over to your lab, why not make the website interactive? Train a couple of employees to man your cloud-based service desk, which means have a virtual service desk where your customers are. Just like you have a service desk at your laboratory to assist your customers at the premises, assist them while they visit your website too.
This Cloud-based service desk can do live chat with your customers, help them if they need any assistance, follow-up in case the customers log out of the page abruptly etc.
Also,features such as patient portals and customer portals empower the users to download report through the website making them completely independent.
2. Go Mobile
The biggest advantage that Cloud-based servers provide a laboratory is the ease of mobility. Since the data is stored at a remote location and is not bound by the constraints of a physical hardware on the premises, investing on a mobile version of your laboratory’s website or even an App is a good idea. You can take patient satisfaction to another level when you offer your patients and potential patients the ease to reach or access their health information on the go.
With a virtual service desk in place, going mobile would mean more and better interactions, increased patient satisfaction and higher footfalls.
3. Ease Customer Experience Through Common ULID
Use of LIS allows allotting Unique Laboratory ID (ULID) which means any patient you ever had will have a unique number allotted to them. This unique patient ID will be available in the LIS and all the information about the patient – demographic as well as clinical–can beaccessed through this ID.
If implemented across all centers, the ULID concept combined with the flexibility of Cloud-based LIS allows your patients to walk into any of your centers and use the services, without registering again. The patient only needs to give her ULID to the service desk attendant and the staff can simply log into the LIS to access patient information. The patient information can then be updated by the staff at the center and these updated diagnostic records can be accessed from any other location in future.
4. Have The Most Effective Meetings
While there is technology in place to conduct meetings between people from different locations, Cloud-based LIS effectively helps access any data from any location as long as their login has access rights to that data. This ensures faster exchange of information resulting in overall increased speed of operations of the laboratory.
5. Ease The Implementation & Audit of Quality Indicators
Quality indicators are, undoubtedly, the lifelines of a laboratory. The BI tool is just what you need to moderate the activities in your lab and optimize performance. Be it monitoring sample workflow processing, number of patient visits, inventory flow, cash flow, consultant performance, overall business fluctuations over a period or any other business metrics that you care about.
You can develop standard quality indicators, key performance indicators and implement them across all the units using Cloud-based LIS. The Cloud-based LIS also allows collating and comparing results and progress from any location offering access to real time data.
While opting for Cloud-based LIS has its obvious benefits, there is a lot more that you can get out of it once you identify and track your key business metrics.