How Automation Can Help Your Laboratory Perform Better
Compelling reasons why using technology in your lab is the best way to scale performance charts.
Automation has changed the way in which medical industry is functioning today by helping users to utilize their time more efficiently and effectively. Usually, when automation is talked about, saving time is the only benefit which is highlighted to the users. However, it has many other benefits that can have a visible impact on the performance of the lab.
Here we explore paybacks that automation offers to the users and how it affects the performance index of laboratory on the ground level:
1. Minimized Human Errors
Automation transmits the results (numbers) from the analyzers directly to the final lab reports. There is no manual transposing of results thus putting a stop to any chance of a human error.
2. Speedy Report Delivery
Routine reports generation and delivering them to the appropriate personnel is a matter of few clicks. The problem of missing deadlines is efficiently eliminated. The reports can be seen and/or printed from various terminals, can be emailed or faxed or even taken a screen shot of and sent using WhatsApp or even Snapchat!
3. Reduced Manual Processes
With automated systems, hardly any kind if manual intervention is required. Data needs to be entered once and the same data in replicated for results, analysis and trends. Lesser manual intervention means lesser errors, which in turn means higher efficiency.
4. No Duplication
Errors which occur due to duplication of samples or even human error in test prescription can be avoided in an automated system because the software will flag a duplicate test, with the same demographic details. This will avoid wastage in duplicate tests, embarrassing double reports and strengthen the lab’s reputation for quality.
5. Increased Data Security
Automation provides the options of logins and backtracks. Everything that happens to a sample can be tracked with the login including cancellations, alterations, print and view histories.
6. Highlights Abnormal Results
Once values are configured in the system automation supports flagging result which is out of the normal range thereby drawing the pathologist’s attention to those results immediately while approving results for display/ print. This avoids wrong or robotic reporting to a very large extent thereby establishing the lab’s reputation for correct results.
7. Speedy Access to Archives
Times when the pathologist may need an example of a similar sample or result or when a patient’s old test results may be required for a better result’s interpretation that is when archives come into play. Automated system makes accessing them very easy because with the software it is only a matter of the right search term and results would be right before your eyes.
8. Allows Multiple Report Formats
The data in the software can be used for any number of reports. This allows printing out the report in different formats as per the requirements of the clinicians. The data can also be used at a later on stage to form a part of a research or for trend analysis or any kind of study.
As this article points out, automation addresses most of your concerns that arise from manual processes. Efficiency arising out of speed is the biggest gift an automated system will be brining along to your lab and as you very well know the impact of efficiency is far-reaching and priceless.